Notation based on Specified Commercial Transactions
Distributor | AIBA SANGYO CO., LTD. |
Operations Manager | Kenichiro Aiba |
Location | 1691-5 Kanekoshinden, Sanjo, Niigata Japan |
Phone number | 0256-35-7460 |
Email address | |
Charges other than product price | Bank transfer fees and freight charges
Import duties or other taxes on goods can be charged in your country. Please check here for more information. SHOP ONLINE |
Application expiration date | 5 days after confirming the order (sending an automatic email to confirm the order). |
Defective product | We will replace the product for initial defects that occur within 7 days of the product arrival date. |
Sales volume | There is no particular specification (Some products have) |
Delivery time | We will ship to domestic address within 5 business days after receiving your order. We will notify you by e-mail in case of delays due to unfavorable weather conditions, delivery carrier's reasons, or any other reasons. |
Payment method |
Credit card payment
Bank transfer
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Shop Pay
Payment deadline | Bank transfer payments are required to be made within 5 days of the order date. Your order will be automatically cancelled if it exceeds 5 days. |
Return deadline | We will accept returns and exchanges only in the case of initial defects within 7 days of receving products or incorrectly shipped items. |
Return shipping fee | We will handle any initial defects or incorrectly shipped items with cash on delivery on our side. |